
Transitioning from a “Learn to Run” or “Run Training” program to the Kamloops Ridge Runners Club:

Kamloops Ridge Runners welcomes all runners interested in being part of our club. It is important to note however we are just that – a club.

If you have been participating in a program you will note some differences at our group runs. While they are scheduled they are not led in the way you will have experienced at learn to run and running clinics/programs.

So expect the following:

  • A warm welcome
  • 5 minute grace period for late arrivals
  • changes in group size day to day
  • leadership shared amongst those in attendance
  • changes in who walks, run/walks, walk/runs or runs day to day
  • changes in the length of the run day to day but typically 45-60 minutes most of the year
  • the group breaking into smaller groups and some taking alternate routes
  • the practice of pick-ups varies but is a general practice of Ridge Runners; don’t be afraid to ask about this!
  • runners just running, runners training for an event, runners in recovery mode after a race, runners in rehab mode after an injury, runners walking just because they want to
  • to own your individual training program – you may find someone wanting to do the same training plan but you also may not
  • learning from other runners and sharing your knowledge
  • a ‘do your own’ stretch phase at the end of the run
  • the opportunity to go for social time afterwards
  • new friendships

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