Previous AGM: 2023
KRR AGM 2024 Agenda
(Printable Agenda KRR-AGM-2024-AGENDA.pdf)
Kamloops Ridge Runners AGM October 17,2024, 7pm
Sports Council, 1550 Island Parkway Unit 101
MacArthur Island
- Welcome and Call to Order
- Confirmation of Quorum
- Adoption of Agenda
- Adoption of Minutes from previous AGM (2023)
- Reports:
- President
- Treasurer (printable report KRR-AGM-2024-FINANCIALREPORT.pdf)
- Membership
- New Business
- Discussions from the floor
- Election of Directors
- Adjournment
KRR AGM 2023 Minutes
(printable minutes KRR-AGM-2023-MINUTES.pdf)
Kamloops Ridge Runners – Minutes of the AGM October 17, 2023
- Welcome and call to order: President Monika Kriedemann called meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
a) Confirmation of Quorum:
In Attendance: Phil Hiom, Grace Hiom, David Montpetit, Dan Yancey, Carol Yancey, David Graham, Ernie Carson, Monika Kriedemann, Brain Mallerby, Bart Cummins, Michelle Ziebert, Evan Vike, Matt Treger, Carrie Stiles, Matt Norton, Jordan Sim, David Graham, Nina Giles, Carman-Anne Schulz, Paola Carrea Flores, Paola Monslave.
- Adoption of the Agenda: Moved by Phil Hiom, seconded by Carman-Anne Schulz. Passed.
- Adoption of Minutes of previous AGM (2022): Moved by Nina Gales, seconded by Evan Vike. Passed.
- Reports:
a) President thanks board and introduced each member.
- July and August (no meetings).
- Spring Run Off and Blackwell Dairy Run were successful
- Monday Runs, were recovery runs on trails in Kenna.
- Thursday evening runs were road running work outs.
- Park Runs are on last Saturday of the month. Volunteers from membership.
- Saturday runs popular with breakfast afterwards.
- Christmas Party with both a hamper and a monetary donation to the Food Bank.
- Promotion for KRRS: Interview on CBC, KTW (highlights of runners, Member only facebook).
- Suggestions spin off from “run Club”, Park Runs, more promotional material required.
b) Membership (Bart Cummins):
- There are 59 club members.
- There were 75 members in 2022
- Our membership is aging, with a few new younger members, and with few new members.
- Race Director Report (Matt Treger):
- Spring Run Off was successful, (121 runners), females 65 and males 56.
- There was slightly more participation in 2023.
- Blackwell Dairy Run also successful, (125 runners), females 80 and males 44.
- Big expense was medals, with some left over for another year. Cost: $600.00
- Volunteer Appreciation cost $200.00
- Blackwell Dairy run fortunately had Traffic Control supplied by City of Kamloops.
- Matt, Bart and Candido had enough First Aid Qualifications to support this race.
- 35 members volunteered.
- $500.00 for food.
- $200.00 for volunteer appreciation.
- Both Courses were certified by David Guss and Bart.
- Did not need professional Traffic Control for Spring Run Off due to cross walks.
- Safety concern for the first section of trail for Spring Run Off, “city is aware of the heaving pathway”.
- Sponsorship and prizes were organized “up front” by Carman-Anne and split between both races.
- Blackwell Dairy more of a “Family Atmosphere”.
- Catherine Pendrel (local Olympian) won, the ladies with a time of 1:10:27.
- Allison Blackwell 2nd and holds the Canadian Women’s Master Record.
- Promotion (CBC, KTW, IRA, facebook and a group Strava account.
- Both 5Ks had good attendance.
- More effort in connecting with running groups in schools, at TCC. etc.
- Treasurer Report (Carol Yancey):
Report reflects figures between October 1st 2022 and September 30th 2023,
( due to AGM occuring before year’s end).
October 1st, 2022 Revenue $13,026.50 Expenses $12,277.31
Balance Ending Oct 3, 2023 $12,992,81
Term Deposits (2) $10,159,29
Total $13,442.95
e) IRA Representative (Jordan Sim):
- Monthly meetings and the IRA has the same goals to increase participation.
- In person racing is back and numbers increasing.
- KRRS “Club” shirts order in Oct 19th, and Nov 20th ordered.
- New Business:
a) Runner’s Sole will “HOST” an event to give out the orders taken for club shirts and additional shirts ordered will be on sale.
Question on if each shirt ordered would be discounted, by Ernie.
b) Phil requested a “renaming of Spring Run Off” Discussion ensured.
Motion by Monika that Spring Run off be renamed “Bob Trudeau Memorial Run Spring Run Off”.
Seconded by Phil Hiom. Passed unanimously. Following this was a Motion by Phil Hiom, seconded by Michelle Ziebert that, “A percentage of funds from Bob Trudeau Memorial Spring Run Off would be donated to Multiple Myeloma, depending on income from race and board discussion”. Passed unanimously.
This followed a discussion that based on our by-laws we have agreed to donate back to causes in the community. Further to this, and after discussion, a motion was made by Monika, seconded by Michelle Ziebert, “To support Mental Health Run with a donation of $300.00 for this fiscal year”.
- Vice President, David Montpetit update: Do not register for KRRS yet until the new process is in place, mid-November.
Similar to “trackie” but more simplified, more secure, and club can have an online store.
- Recognition for Club membership:
- Joanna Brewer 60K race
- Bruce Petch Won 6 of the Road Race Series (9 races in series).
- Nina Stiles Placed in most races (Road Races and Trail series)
- Carman-Anne Schulz Two 1st and placed in all races (Road Races and Trail series, but one for a 4th). Very fast age group.
- Nina and Carman-Anne raced from Feb to Oct earning Legs of Iron / Legs of Steel.
- Jordan Sim A 1st (time of 39:59) and placed in three other races.
- Bruce, Joanna, Matt, Bart and Tim Barnes participated in Walk in the Park.
Tribute to Bob Trudeau by David Graham to conclude first part of meeting, before election of new board.
Kamloops Ridge Runners Board for 2023-24
President: Monika Kriedmann
Vice President: Matt Norton
Race Director : Grace Hiom (Bob Trudeau Memorial Spring Run Off)
Race Director: Michelle Ziebert and Matt Treger (Blackwell Dairy Run).
Treasurer: Carol Yancey
Membership: David Montpetit
Webmaster: Brain Malerby
IRA: Jordan Sim
Secretary: Paola Carrea Flores
Promotions: Bart Cummins
Social Activites: Nina Gales and Paola Monslave
Prizes: Carman-Anne Schulz
All board members were “Elected By Acclamation”.
Meeting adjourned at 8:44p.m.
Respectfully Submitted; Carman-Anne Schulz, Secretary