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2024 Registration is now open

Note: New members registering for 2024 may join the club activities for the remaining 2023 year.

For 2024, BC Athletics is implementing a new registration system (AthleticsReg) and Kamloops Ridge Runner club registration is integrated with this new system. We will no longer be using Trackie for club membership registration.

If you are a returning member, or have had a BC Athletics membership in the past, you need to activate your AthleticsReg account before going through the membership renewal process. You should have received an email with an activation link unique to you for this purpose. If you have not activated your AthleticsReg account, and no longer have the activation e-mail, please contact Andrew Cameron ( to get a new activation link. If you renew your membership without doing this, it should still work, but you will end up with a new BC Athletics membership number and lose the athletic history associated with your old number.

If you are new to BC Athletics and Kamloops Ridge Runners, just go through the registration process. An AthleticsReg account, BC Athletics membership and KRR membership will get created during the process.

Kamloops Ridge Runner Club Membership

  • January 1 to December 31
  • BC Athletics Membership
  • Weekly Runs
  • Socials
  • Discount Pricing on Club Races and Apparel
  • Cost of Membership $47
    ($32 KRR membership plus $15 BC Athletics/Athletics Canada membership)

Register Online

There are three membership options:

  • Community Road and Trail Runner (18+)
  • 2024 KRR BOARD MEMBERS ONLY – Associate Membership
  • DO NOT USE! 2024 Training Membership (15+)

The only option you should select is “Community Road and Trail Runner (18+)”. BC Athletics has created this option to keep their portion of the fees at $15 for community running clubs, instead of the new $42 fee they were implementing for other athletic groups.

The “2024 Associate Membership” option is for members of the Kamloops Ridge Runners executive board only. Please do not select this unless you are a board member as it will result in an additional $15 fee.

The “DO NOT USE! 2024 Training Membership (15+)” option, was used before BC Athletics implemented the “Community Road and Trail Runner” option. Unfortunately, it cannot be removed from the 2024 registration process, hence the “DO NOT USE!” up front.

If you want to upgrade your BC Athletics membership (i.e: To a Competitive option), this can be done later by going to the BC Athletics Membership website.

Note: There is no Manual Membership Form. Please contact KRR Membership (Contact Us) for help registering.

Family Memberships: Families (2-6 persons living in the same household) will receive a $5 discount per person. For example, a primary registrant and their significant other would receive a total discount of $10. A family of four would receive a total discount of $20.

NOTE: Registration of family members must take place in the same registration session to be eligible for the $5 per person discount. We cannot grant the discount after the fact.

Household is defined as the primary member and their additional family members.

Additional Family Member is defined as a significant other or a dependent living at the primary member’s residence.

BC Athletics Membership is required. KRR Membership cost is $32. BC Athletcs membership and basic insurance (Training – $15) is added at the time of registration through the AthleticsReg system. You can upgrade your BC Athletics Membership any time during the term. Upgrades are non-refundable. Details of BC Athletics Memberships are on the BC Athletics web page,

Any questions please Contact Us